Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sorrowful Day

Today we learned that a student has died. He was a young sophomore who suddenly fell ill the day before in gym class. He went to the bathroom and returned, letting his teacher know that he had been sick. His legs felt numb and two students took him to the office. A friend of mine later said that she saw two kids dragging a boy who looked unable to move his legs. This was the case and an ambulance was called. He went to Highline and finally at Children's. There was internal bleeding in his stomach, surgery was performed, but failed. Sixteen and now his future has disappeared suddenly; no one saw this coming.

First period I made the announcement, and throughout the day I saw students crying, some uncontrollably. They were able to go to the career center for counseling, but for some this choice was too difficult since they'd be surrounded by grief. It was difficult watching students, who didn't want to leave, with red eyes and tears streaming down their cheeks, trying to work in class. How do you comfort them? What words can make it all better? As a teacher, what is the right thing to do? We worked so their minds would be too busy; we worked so that they could get a break from the sorrow; we worked, but was that what they needed? Today we learned a boy passed away, and we will never be the same.

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