Monday, June 28, 2010

My Infinitesimal Brother

What is worse? Being considered a snobby bitch or a selfish prick who only comes around the family when he wants to borrow money? Someone who studied and went to college or the screwball who took wedding money, broke off the engagement, spent it, and claimed that it was his early inheritance? Honestly, my brother is the biggest douche bag in the world, I mean king of douche bags and deserves some kind of award for his supreme doucheness. I still can’t believe he blew off his own father on Father’s Day, returning dad’s phone call five hours later to say p.s. I’m not coming. Dad broke plans with his other children ie me so Prince Prick could come and visit, and then what does he do? Yes, his royal doucheness cancels. Well, all I can say is that I hope his son turns out to be just like him. I hope one day my little nephew will teach my brother what it’s like to be treated so poorly. Maybe then he’ll realize that we don’t just live in his world to serve him.

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