Friday, May 7, 2010

Last year I remember sitting in the MR theater where are staff meetings were held while our Principal announced to the staff the names of the people being laid off. Uncomfortable, we, those of use being named, sat together at a table assuming those around us felt relieved that they were not getting the ax. I assumed wrong. It's been a year, and I'm no longer at that school. I have made a new home and now have enough seniority to squeeze barely past the RIF list. Feeling happy I went to our staff meeting not realizing the blow I'd receive. Our principal stood in front of us, just like the one I had the year before, and began the sad tale of who'd be "let go." Name after name, a heavy feeling seemed to suffocate the room as we realized who we would probably never see again. Some left by choice, others like Laura had been blindsided only hours earlier. I did not feel relieved, comfortable; I just felt sad and guilty. Guilty that I was still here while others were jobless in this thriving economy. One teacher fortunately had found a job already, sad but happy I felt since she and her husband had just bought a house. I just wish it didn't have to be this way.